The Confusing Conversation
Posted on 11.08.2022 by Kevin Kandlbinder | ScamboxI've rencently had a scammer in my inbox who I just wanted to confuse, and
to my surprise he actually matched my energy! Let's look at the chat together!
-- Begin of chat-log --Kevin says:I am doing splendtastic what about you?
James says:I am a movie producer also an actor
Kevin says:oh wow, but it's true you look very professional!
-- Interruption of chat-log -- His profile picture really was a face worthy of being
both a movie producer and an actor. I could already
imagine him in an action packed thriller of hunting
down bitcoins across the whole globe.
-- Continuation of chat-log --James says:I'm from United States
Birmingham Alabama James says:Yes
How is life over there Kevin says:it's fine, covid hit pretty bad and is still going strong, but life's slowly going back to normal
Kevin says:how is it over there where you live?
James says:So good with me
Are you familiar with digital currency? Kevin says:I've bought like 4 bitcoin 8 years ago but since then not much
-- Interruption of chat-log -- I've bought a small loan of a million dollars. Nothing substancial.
At this point I imagine James drooling out the mouth thinking
about my non-existant bitcoins.
-- Continuation of chat-log --Kevin says:yeah but I've not done anything with them since, they've just been laying around tbh
James says:Why
But do you invest with any company Kevin says:I've never really had the motivation to do all that trading, it sounds really hard so I never did it
James says:You don't need to be sceptical about this investment, at first I was scared too
minimum amount of $100
after 24 hours I tested my withdrawal and I was paid instantly!
-- Interruption of chat-log -- What can I say, I am easy to get for falling for scams...
-- Continuation of chat-log --Kevin says:sounds great, can I put those bitcoin I have into there?
James says:Yes you can
I'm just telling you about how I start my own I started with small amount just to see if the company is working very well
When my pastor's wife introduce me to the company I was scared but after 9 months I can invest any amount with the company because I have 100% trust in them Kevin says:oh yeah I mean I'm not scared to put the 3 bitcoin in, I mean I bought them for 5 dollars back in the day and they are probably only worth 30ct by now
Kevin says:I don't even know, I've not been keeping up with them
James says:Are you ready to join the company should I send you the company weblink
Kevin says:Yeah sure, sorry for the delay, I was ironing my lawn
-- Interruption of chat-log -- My lawn is so flat all my neigbors are jealous... James seems to be unimpressed though.
-- Continuation of chat-log --James says:Okay it fine
https://randomscam.tld/register?ref=42069 Kevin says:What about the flower field tho?
11th of May 2022
James says:I don't understand what you mean?
Kevin says:I thought every American has a flower field
-- Interruption of chat-log -- Looks like I fell for a "fake news"... Could happen to anyone!
-- Continuation of chat-log --Kevin says:weird... it's one of those things you just expect... but you guys don't have electric kettles either so I guess it's not that surprising
Kevin says:James you're confusing me
James says:That is the way you are confusing me too
-- Interruption of chat-log -- I was actually impressed with James and how he matched my energy with such precision.
I almost gave him money just out of respect.
-- Continuation of chat-log --Kevin says:I didn't mean to do that 😐
I've just never been to the United States (of America) so I only know it from what friends who went told me
James says:Okay
So what are you saying about the company Kevin says:it sounds amazing I just have to find my bitcoin again, I kinda forgot the password and I need to guess it
-- End of chat-log -- I sadly never found them... James was still one of the best chats I've
had with just how exactly James managed to match my chaotic